Friday, May 25, 2007 

ready for the flowers

the planter beds had become primordial by the time i took possession in august 05 with long years of neglect. i came to detest the "shrubbery" so much so that the sight of any shrubs now makes my skin crawl.

front of house, august 05

first step on the road to deliverance was getting it all out. i tried myself (with the help of a friend with more gardening know-how) and gave up. i was not strong enough for these bushes. in august 06, managed to find 'professional's to do that. and this is what the front beds looked like from then, all the way up to march 07.

front of house, august 06

coming next: photos from almost a year hence... as august 07 approaches, what the beds look like.

who am i

  • you can call me sam i am
  • location mountain west

whys and wherefores

  • this blogs is intended to be a resource for the newbie homeowner.
  • by sharing my stories of trivial joys and easy frustrations in this unpedictable adventure of homeownership, i hope i can provide some service/support to others who are going through similar experiences

one-way street

content © sam i am