full house (and consequences)
...first of
gas bill for dec 05: $118.
well,i was prepared for worse or so i keep
telling myself for solace...
for the most part of december, i had a full house. my most cherished guest, my nephew, was here. so all the hassle of keeping house was finally worth it.
i have not had much time to blog, because right after the guests left, i myself had to be in boston for a conference, etc. anyhoo, now i am back and hopefully will be regular here once again.
my house had to go through rather a demanding test run while the guests were here. and i must say, it did not hold up very well. it acted quite unprepared for the onslaught. i am one who lives (or takes up room) in this house rather sparingly. when you have people visiting, they are not that gentle on most occasions. first of, some of them are not home owners, so they don't know a lot of the issues (the terror of heating bills, for instance). you can't expect it i suppose. but long story short, on wednesday, i have a plumber coming in to fix two problems at a cost of $130 (+, if i am unlucky). the toilet in the guest bath has sprouted a leak. also, after i came back from boston, i found a mess of water under the sink. although, since then, i have kept a close watch and there hasn't been a recurrence. we will still need to figure out what happened there though. my house guest left only a day ahead of my own flight out to boston, so i am not sure if it was human error or a mechanical leak.
the second problem is actually the legacy of my handy man from hell. the sink in the remodelled bath is leaking. water drips down the trap in slow but steady flow whenever the sink is used. actually the leaky toilet is also most likely his handiwork, if it's the wax ring that's cracked. we will find out on wednesday for sure.
but one thing is for certain, no matter what happens, i am not having him re-enter my house. not even to get him to fix his own mistakes. and i will have to pay big bucks to keep it that way it seems. tough luck.