Wednesday, May 10, 2006 


sprinkler head broke immediately after turning on sprinklers for the season. had professional help in fixing leak and replacing two other sprinkler heads at a total cost of $62. Could have been worse.

Need to still check the back flow.

Thursday, May 04, 2006 

poor sod

on thursday soon after i returned from houston, my neighbor came knocking. she offered me some sod from her yard that we could use in my yard where the grass has been dead since i moved in last year and has stubbornly refused to come back. so there i was fresh off a plane and out in the sun with a shovel in hand helping her lay the sod down. we watered the spot copiously and have been doing that for the last three days. the grass seems a little tired and wilted but not dead yet. we'll wait and see.

*update: the transplanted sod has taken quite nicely and continues to thrive. A new patch next to the old problem area is now browning at an alarming rate but i suspect it is the sun that is wreaking the havoc this time. not chemicals or bill bugs.*

i need to turn on the sprinklers before i leave town on may 14. this time when i came back from houston, my yard looked much the worse for wear. i have been watering it with a hose every alternate day.
my neighbors want to turn on the sprinklers together with me - that means i got to wait till they decide to do so. but my yard endured the harsh sun all day.
before my friends arrive, i still have a lot more to do around the house. but my friend's unkempt house in houston gives me hope and courage that i will manage somehow.

who am i

  • you can call me sam i am
  • location mountain west

whys and wherefores

  • this blogs is intended to be a resource for the newbie homeowner.
  • by sharing my stories of trivial joys and easy frustrations in this unpedictable adventure of homeownership, i hope i can provide some service/support to others who are going through similar experiences

one-way street

content © sam i am