Monday, July 03, 2006 

(not) cool running

the a/c has been acting up this week. it is true that we are enduring 100 degree heat on most afternoons but still a ten degree difference between thermostat setting and actual interior temperature caused me to make an appointment today for a diagnostic intervention. called a number of companies. someone will be over on thursday at a minimal charge of $59.99. All repairs etc are of course additional to this. If it is only a tune-up that is required, then total would come to $99.99. Adding freeon or refridgerant is all additional and on a per pound basis.

who am i

  • you can call me sam i am
  • location mountain west

whys and wherefores

  • this blogs is intended to be a resource for the newbie homeowner.
  • by sharing my stories of trivial joys and easy frustrations in this unpedictable adventure of homeownership, i hope i can provide some service/support to others who are going through similar experiences

one-way street

content © sam i am